The Recipes of Gaetana

Rice ring with mixed mushrooms

corona di riso con funghi misti trifolati.jpegWe marry this plate, light but rich, for a winter which does not wish to go away, with our Cerasuolo di Vittoria which, with its elegance, is a lovely match to this rice ring with mushrooms.

The nose of Frappato, with its notes of violets and raspberries, invite tasting, as does the velvety palate of Nero d’Avola, where red fruit returns together with light sensations of chocolate.  They fuse with the flavors of cheese and the meatiness of the mushrooms. The wine marches alongside this delicious dish. As always, Cerasuolo di Vittoria is “food friendly”, a wine of good structure which speaks of Sicily in a modern and elegant way, it is a “classic” of ours and is aged in large oak casks for a period which is not excessively long.
2014 is  a felicitous year for this wine, entrusted to the knowing hands of winemaker Carlo Casavecchia.

Cornmeal sticks with lentils and Sicilian cherry tomatoes


We add Bidis Chardonnay to this  rich dish, one cooked in a light way and certainly wintery, a white wine of important structure  but only moderately alcoholic and warm, one which maintains its acidity. And which, thanks to our “white soil”, conserves its freshness. Its elegance is an excellent contrast to this typical plate of peasant tradition. Great balance on the palate.


Rich vegetable and pasta soup

Triplo minestroneTHE HOUSE OF PAIRINGS | recipe of Davide Di Corato

Lightness in the palate and lightness in the wine, this proposed pairing for our triple “minsterone”, or vegetable soup,. How one could not think of Il Frappato, born from raspberries, blackberries, and violets, from spices such as sage on the palate.  ….complex aromas and a velvety but fragrant  palate, a Sicily which is brilliant in its freshness. A true wine with a smile …. drinking it, a happy face  can always  be seen.

Cream of modica chick peas with streamed babyshrimp

IMG_4376.jpgI cannot but combine the new vintage of Zagra, cricket with this dish, which brings with it the aromas of Modica, the call of the sea and a Sicilian lightness. A wine that has in its flavor and minerality its uniqueness that this year has been combined with the richness and creaminess of the warm 2017 vintage. Qualities that blend with the velvety in a harmonious palate.

Nothing better for a convivial table, with friends around the table, on a cold January evening. The heart will warm you and finally… the peelings of last week and the Moro Limited Edition!

Curried chicken and thai rice scented with jasmine

Pollo al curry e riso thai al gelsomino.jpeg

We start the year with the same wine with which we closed the previous one, celebrating in this way 2018 and Cerasuolo di Vittoria, a wine which, along with Frappato, express the essence of Valle dell’Acate. The spiciness of curry is perfect for being softened and rendered more complex by Nero d’Avola, and the dish will be enveloped by the aromas of Frappato. Serve the wine at a temperature of 61° Fahrenheit and you will be enthusiastic about this pairing.


Large eggplant timbale

timballo di melanzane

We end the year with thise most “Sicilian” plate and the wine which most expresses Ragusa, the Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG.

Two symbols which best express the essence of Valle dell’Acate, of this territory and the ties to this soil, The eggplant, the tomato, the grated ricotta cheese and the red earth of Cerasyolo di Vittoria symbolize the perfect marriage between Nero d’Avola and Frappato. Nero d’Avola is full and creamy on the palate, velvety but dry like the Nero d’Avola of our territory, Valle dell’Acate; solely on the nose the wine releases all the fragrance of our Frappato, the raspberries, the sage, the liquorice but above all it is redolent of violets and their fragrance …. only on our black soil with white pebbles can this be felt. Valle dell’Acate’s Frappato, in fact, can be recognized anywhere.

Milan style veal cutlets my North, my South

costoletta alla milanese, il mio nord, il mio sud.jpeg

How is it possible not to think of the wine, an autumn symphony, our Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG. The freshness of Frappato and the lovely suppleness of Nero d’Avola will be a perfect marriage for this typical Milan dish, a true DOC, which meets, here, the sole DOCG of Sicily, famous for its elegance rather than sheer power. Ruby red just like the red soil of our Valle d’Acate vineyard.

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