The Recipes of Gaetana

Filet mignon in a green pepper sauce

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This marvelous dish, which warms our winters, requires a full-bodied wine, rich but elegant as well, which can fully bring out the creaminess of the sauce but also cleans the palate.

Our Il Moro – Nero d’Avola is perfect, a true expression of Ragusa’s, indeed Acate’s, important  body, the fresh palate and flavors of red fruit and chocolate mean  a wine grown on our black soil, which speaks of Sicily but above all of Valle dell’Acate.

Egg soufflé seasoned with chives

A small soufflé of fresh eggs and ….then unchain your fantasy in order to enrich it! Liberate your fantasy wish an accompaniment of vegetables chosen by you to enrich the dish, zucchini squash  are perfect but cooked spinach or asparagus do just as well.

And the wine will be fresh and savory, mineral, and therefore Zagra ,our Grillo, and although it pairs well with this dish, from grapes grown on yellow soil, it offers a freshness and warmth which are totally Sicilian.

Bread with Ibla Olives (The “Tonda Iblea”)

pane alla tonda iblea.jpgTHE HOUSE OF PAIRINGS | recipes of Davide Di Corato

Are you looking for a Sicilian type of tapas?
We can only match  our Tenute Ibidini Nero d’Avola with this lovely dish, a light red wine which conserves on the nose the complex aromas of blackberries and black fruit  of the Nero d’Avola and, on the palate, fuses liquorice spices and the chocolate which denote our Tenuta d’Avola estate wine with the decisive flavors of the Tenuta Ibidin Nero d’Avola olves. They speak of Ragusa, indeed of Valle d’Acate thanks to the yellow soil on which they are cultivated, with a freshness and lightness of true modernity which always gives me the pleasure of thinking of my family, modern but one with the wisdom of age …. What more could I wish?

Rabbit in pieces

THE HOUSE OF PAIRING | recipe of Davide Di Corato

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The Cerasuolo di Vittoria Docg Classico returns in this early winter to marry a dish of white meat rendered rich and juicy by tomatoes, by capers, and by olives, a trio of Mediterranean flavors. The presence of Nero d’Avola on the palate, never excessively concentrated, and the aromatic complexity of Frappato march side by side in this plate, which will surprise you with which the sensations fuse, leaving a clean palate and a long finish to the wine, a symbol of the province of Ragusa… never forgetting however the vigorous  Il Frappato… Valle dell’Acate of course!

Cream of fava beans and Ragusa sheep cheese

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A simple dish with two ingredients which are ambassadors of the Sicilian kitchen, fava beans and pecorino sheep cheese (if the fava beans are from Modica excellence will be achieved). A marriage already tested in  a perfect fusion with Zagra Grillo, which shines for its savor, its mineral flavor and freshness.
Given the low temperatures which are approached, we also suggest you  dare to try Bidis, a rich and elegant Chardonnay which warms the palate.

You can vary this recipe, transforming the cream into velvet, using much sheep cheese, and in this way the Chardonnay will melt together with  the creaminess of the fava beans and the savor of the cheese .

It will warm the palate and the heart.

Cream of tomatoes and “burrata” cheese

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The creamy soup of tomatoes and Frappato is a fresh pairing redolent of Italy for the entire world. The floral aromas of violets and of spices such as sage characterize the fragrant  Frappato  and make it perfect match for a light plate such as tomato cream soup. The Frappato fully brings out the flavor of tomato and fuses on the palate with the creaminess of the” burrata” cheese.

Excellent for lunch, this is both an Italian plate and a fresh Sicilian wine… serve it cool on the palate as a pleasurable surprise.

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